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Jorans Farm Transport Pack v1.0

Extra trucks for the Joran´s Farm map. This includes diverend skinns and diverend trucks. A must have if you play Joran´s Farm. The final version is out now to download from the website.



Joran: ideas and wishes (without him this map wouldn’t be made)

-Luca : the website brain and tester

-Bruce Smith : made the guide for the map

-Ronny Sell: testing

-Billy_boyd42 : testing

-Neale green: testing

-Farmer Klein: Youtube introduction

-Nick the Hick: Youtube introduction

-Rudeman53: Youtube introduction

The specials:

Tielbeke Transport en Warehousing

Fly and Food

De Koperen Hoogte

Biesebosch Truckwash

BGS Niedersachsen GmbH

Profis am Werk GmbH

Van der Vlist Transportgroup

Credits: where I learned from get mods from and such

-bdbssb (mods and help)

-shywizard ( mods and help)

-farmer Andy (mods)

-gtx Andy(mods)

-kevink98 (scripts)

-igor29381 (script for the trailer and some buildings)

-blacksheep – rc-devil (scripts)

-jolydodger (utility van)

And a big thank you to all modders of buildings and stuff

Without all these people I couldn’t build a map.



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