It's only 5 days left until the release of Farming Simulator 17!
Here is one of the final equipment updates before the release:
CASE IH 1455 XL tractor:
- Price: 102000 EUR
- Customizable Front Loader Attacher, Wheels
- Maintenance: 260 EUR / day
- Standard, Wide wheel setup
- 260 EUR / day
- Max. Speed: 40 km/h
- Power: 107 kW
KUHN CULTIMER L300 cultivator
- Maintenance: 5 EUR / day
- Operating Speed: 17 km/how
- Price: 9400 EUR
- Working Width: 3m
- Required Power: 88 kW
Meet The New Case IH 1455 XL Tractor
- 2016-10-19 23:47:06
- Farming Simulator 2017 Mods » News
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