This Pack contains an old fashioned trailer with multiple configuration options.
Change between 6000l and 8000l. Also you can configure both variants to a Bale trailer, where the 8000l-edition has the triangle-shaped walls while the 6000l variant has not.
Further there are many options to make it unique, like different wheels, brands and a lot of green dyes.
Cost: 3250 / 4350 $ + 10 $/day.
Game Farming Simulator 17
Manufacturer LIZARD
Category Trailer
Author Bigfarmer145
Size 42.40 MB
Released 06.10.2017
Platform PC/MAC, PS4, XB1
WilliamOveds (Guest)
2020-03-17 01:22:01<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XRumerProject> <PrimarySection> <ProjectName>918indo_13102019</ProjectName> <ProjectFormat>ANSI</ProjectFormat> <NickName>RobertElOto</NickName> <RealName>RobertElOtoYR</RealName> <Password>$aptK7k1y7K</Password> <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> <EmailPassword>GDLVDNU622</EmailPassword> <EmailLogin></EmailLogin> <EmailPOP></EmailPOP> <Homepage></Homepage> <ICQ>124456847</ICQ> <City>Maputo</City> <Country>Mozambique</Country> <Occupation>Service</Occupation> <Interests>Cycling</Interests> <Signature> </Signature> <Gender>0</Gender> <UnknownFields></UnknownFields> <PollTitle></PollTitle> <PollOption1></PollOption1> <PollOption2></PollOption2> <PollOption3></PollOption3> <PollOption4></PollOption4> <PollOption5></PollOption5> </PrimarySection> <SecondarySection> <Subject1></Subject1> <Subject2></Subject2> <PostText> </PostText> <Prior>áèçÃåñ äîñóã îáúÿâ êóðèëêà ôëåéì ôëýéì îñÃîâà ðà çâëå÷ îôôòîïèê îôòîïèê îôô-òîïèê ïðî÷åå ðà çÃîå îáî âñ¸ì flood flame stuff blah off-topic off topic offtopic oftopic general common business îáùà îáùèé îáùåå îáùèå ðåêëà ì adver</Prior> <OnlyPriors>false</OnlyPriors> </SecondarySection> </XRumerProject>