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Altmuehlhofen v1.0


Altmühlhofen a map for singleplayer
So now I can finally give you my Altmühlhofen to download.
You can expect a small map, which is built with a lot of nature, but is also equipped with functions.

What awaits you here?
14 fields that need to be farmed, 2 meadows, 1 BGA with the new Fliegl Biomat, a village, a garden center and dealer, as well as a farm with all animals and suitable vehicles.
Since the map also contains a lot of nature, you can also fall many trees.
In addition, the sawmill was installed on the map, based on the factory script, as well as the SeedMaster2k17.
Now to a few small clues.
The wooden pallets from the sawmill, you can sell behind the country trade. As well as the animals also.

Map designed by ferbman98, models used by Bärnd, Eribus, Steffen30muc, Niggels, fuqart, Katsuo, Giants, Kevink98, Famer_andy, Nick98.1, and of course those where I've forgotten. And thanks also to the team, who gave me tips and help. And, of course, they were also looking for errors. For questions and problems, use the support thread! No re-uploading allowed on other sites, use the original link to this forum! If the wait is too long, can get a Premiumaccount here.


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