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Sawmill | factory script v1.0

The factory Script is back and thus the known sawmill.
For operating fuels (wood chips, straw bales or wool pallets) and logs is required. This waste (wood chips) and boards pallets produced.
Sell: at each sale triggers which takes chips.
Thanks go to the LS-Modcompany Team for providing the test server and the server test, to Marhu for release on fasi for great range, Castor and joker301069
Credit: kevink98 (script), Marhu (Script LS15) fasi (range) Giants (building LS15)
The mod may only be published with orginalem download link on other sites!

factory script
Content Factory Script (27.11.2016)
- TipTrigger
- BaleTrigger
- PalettTrigger
- ShovelTarget
- Wood Trigger
- visibilityNodes
- display
- heap
- PalletTrigger
- visibilityNodes
- display
Work animation:
- particles
- Animations (about i3d)
- sound
- Shader

Modell: fasi, GiantsTextur: fasi, GiantsScript: kevink98 / MarhuIdee / Konzept: kevink98 / MarhuTester: LS-ModcompanySonstige:


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